The following is a recap of the small group spotlight during yesterday's morning worship:
Can't see the video? Click here
We have three pages full of comments just like this from group members in last year's groups!
As we launch into a new season of small groups, there are always lots of questions.
The two questions most often heard are:
1. Are small groups for me? Am I going to like this? The answer is a resounding
"Yes!" Seriously, we recognize that, if you've never been in a small group before,
there is some uncertainty. This is how we resolve that...try it out. Try it out for 6
weeks. We think you'll love it. If you don't, we won't make you stay. We won't
bug you about it. But we appreciate you trying it out. We call it a 6-week trial run.
2. What about my kids? Our staff and Eldership believe in the power of family.
Family is one of the oldest institutions, 2nd only to marriage that began at creation.
We also believe that our families are strengthened when there are outside influences
speaking the consistent truth into the lives of our children. This year, our Elders and
staff are encouraging you to bring your kids with you. If you're group would like, we
will provide easy, minimal prep, short devotions for the children in your groups. We are asking adults from the groups to form a rotation to lead those devotions in another space in the home and care for the children while the rest of the group meets. We believe there is great power when children see coaches, teachers, family friends, and other community leaders investing in their spiritual lives as well. As the saying goes, "it takes a village to raise a child." The same is true in the spiritual development of a child. Imagine the power that could be unleashed in the lives of children as children see and hear other people caring about their relationship with God! As children see that a relationship with God is not simply something that happens inside the church walls, but happens in the day to day lives of those around them we believe families will be strengthened and children will have a greater appreciation for their own faith.
If your children are in 6th grade or older, we have small groups for them as well. You will be hearing from Logan soon about all the details.
We also know there are many other questions you may have. Those will be answered
at "Connection," our small group launching event that will be held in the Family Life
Center on August 11th at 6:30 PM. We will provide child care. You'll see more details about Connection soon.
Registration is open now for Small Groups! Sign up in the church foyer.
As always, feel free to contact me anytime.