Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday Five...11/23/12

Here's this week's list: (For the record, many of my posts are scheduled in advance, so no, I'm not blogging when I should be spending time with family. I'm writing this on Monday.) 

1. Favorite Tweet: "@rickwarren God didn't create children to live your life." OUCH.

2. Favorite Website - My brother-in-law's church did a tribute to honor Rich Mullins on the 15th Anniversary of his death. Unbelieveable talent in Knoxville, TN. I had heard about the event a while back, but they just launched the site for the rest of us to see. 

3. Favorite Abe Lincoln Picture:

4.  Favorite Other Presidential Picture: Can you guess who this is?**

5. Favorite Little Known Fact: Are you an e-book reader? If so, here's some cool news: David C Cook Publishers offer a free e-book every Monday. Sometimes they're books you've never heard of, but sometimes you hit a home run  They're available in just about any format. Search your favorite e-book store to see if they're available in your reader's format. I know they work on iBookstore, Kindle, and Nook for sure. (As a side note, I periodically check e- bookstores for top free books. I've found some pretty great books from Francis Chan, John Ortberg, fiction and non-fiction, devotionals and more.)

Hope you had a great thanksgiving!

**That's a young Teddy Rosevelt!

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