Monday, June 10, 2013


Monday's on my blog are dedicated to people becoming "rooted in God's love" or to direct you toward opportunities for becoming "rooted." While what you're about to watch might not seem like much of anything spiritual, you'd be sadly mistaken.

Last night I led our Student Ministry summer program, Call of Duty: Revolt. One of the challenges at the end of the night was for a couple of volunteers to strap a pedometer to their head and see how many "steps" they could register in 60 seconds. One of our teens set the bar pretty high at 144. Finally, I asked for adult volunteers and Krystal Burton stepped up (after being put on the spot by others).

She lost, but that's not the point. Here's what a group of teens saw: They saw someone who could have spent the night at home watching the Tony Awards or something else on TV, someone who could have been spending a beautiful evening at the lake, or any number of other things spending time with them so that they could have the opportunity to learn something new about their relationship with God in a fun way. They saw someone who cared more about students than herself. That speaks volumes!

Teens, all children actually, need adults other than their parents involved in their spiritual development. While headbanging might not seem important, it continues to lay a foundation and creates opportunities for Krystal and so many adults like her to speak truths into the lives of students. Thank you Krystal Burton!

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