Monday, October 21, 2013

How do we know we can trust the Bible?

I've been hearing some great things in the lives of those who are "all in" for the church-wide 40 Days in the Word campaign! Lives are being changed because people are diving into God's perfect, inerrant, infallible Word of God. 

Yesterday morning we discussed how we can know we can trust God's Word as God's actual Word. We talked about 7 things:

  1. It's Historically Accurate
  2. It's Scientifically Accurate
  3. It's Prophetically Accurate
  4. It's Thematically Unified
  5. It's Confirmed by Jesus
  6. It's survived all attacks
  7. Finally, it has transforming power.
We covered a TON of content and it may have been overwhelming. If you're interested in learning more, let me suggest some great resources:

1. "The Case For..." Series by Lee Strobel (The Case for Christ, Faith, and a Creator) - These books are written from the perspective of an investigative reporter and former atheist. 

2. What Every Christian Ought to Know - Adrian Rodgers

3. Evidence That Demands a Verdict - Josh McDowell

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