Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Can't see the circus for the parade...

A little boy who lived far out in the country in the late 1800s had reached the age of twelve and had never in all his life seen a circus. You can imagine his excitement, when one day a poster went up at school announcing that on the next Saturday a traveling circus was coming to the nearby town. He ran home with the glad news and the question, “Daddy, can I go?” Although the family was poor, the father sensed how important this was to the boy. “If you do your Saturday chores ahead of time,” he said, “I’ll see to it that you have the money to go.”

Come Saturday morning, the chores were done and the little boy stood by the breakfast table, dressed in his Sunday best. His father reached down into the pocket of his overalls and pulled out a dime—the most money the little boy had possessed at one time in all his life. The father cautioned him to be careful and then sent him on his way to town.

The boy was so excited, his feet hardly seemed to touch the ground all the way. As he neared the outskirts of the village, he noticed people lining the streets, and he worked his way through the crowd until he could see what was happening. It was the approaching spectacle of a circus parade!

The parade was the grandest thing this kid had ever seen. Caged animals snarled as they passed, bands beat their rhythms and sounded shining horns, midgets performed acrobatics while flags and ribbons swirled overhead. Finally, after everything had passed where he was standing, the traditional circus clown, with floppy shoes, baggy pants, and a brightly painted face, brought up the rear. As the clown passed by, the little boy reached into his pocket and took out that precious dime. Handing the money to the clown, the boy turned around and went home.

What had happened? The boy thought he had seen the circus when he had only seen the parade!

Are you experiencing all that God has for you? The Christian life is a great adventure, an exciting journey. Many people—including Christians—seem to be content to float in a sea of mediocrity, settling for second best, missing out on the big show! Do you want the abundant life that Jesus promised? Do you want to live life to its fullest? Then aim higher. Don’t set your sights too low. Determine to become all that God created you to be. Give yourself to Christ, follow him completely, and allow the Holy Spirit to work in you and through you.

Jeremiah 33:33 says,
“Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

Is there anything happening in your life that can only be explained as the power of God? How desperately do you want God to reign over your life? It starts with you. Allow God to have all of you. God can and will use you beyond your wildest dreams. Don’t settle for a spiritual parade when there is a show unlike any other just down the road!

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